Oodle Demo Partner

This information is for Oodle Powered Classifieds only.
Submitting your Feed to Oodle

We are again considering the submission of new feeds to Oodle.

We would be glad to check your unique listings to see if they are appropriate for the Oodle backfill program.

The first step is to submit a feed of your listings in the Oodle format through our automated submission tool. To do that you can follow the instructions located here: Oodle Feeds. Commonly asked questions are answered here: Feed FAQ.

Accepted Content

In addition to other conditions, it goes without saying that the content you submit to us has to be in accordance with our Terms of Use and Content Policies rules. In addition, we discourage you from submitting your feed if it contains inventory that is not specific to a location (such as shippable retail goods). Our site is currently optimized for a local classifieds experience.
*Country locations for your feed listings.
*Provide the top-level category/categories that your feed includes.
* Please give us the website address for your listings.
* Company Name
* Please provide your position title.
*Please let us know your specific questions or issues. Provide details. Oodle does not provide telephone support